Soul Food 19th May 2024 2 Samuel 6:14-22

Pentecost: Worship & Celebration

David danced before the LORD as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem and was criticized for being undignified – what does that say about worship? How do we feel about exuberant worship?

Who? What?

Worship is sometimes referred to giving God his ‘worth-ship’. But today people ‘worship’ all kinds of things eg: football team or money.

Jesus said to the devil in the desert: “…it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only’ Luke 4:8


The Westminster catechism from 17th Century talks about ‘enjoying’ God. Is that possible in worship? In the Old Testament King Jehoshophat sent the priestly choir into battle first (2 Chronicles 20:21-23); there is power in praise. Worship lifts our hearts to God and, like flying in an aeroplane, the things of earth become smaller in His light.

When? Where? And How?

As the old Martini advert goes: Anytime, anyplace, anywhere!…but of course particularly on Sunday, the Lord’s Day. How important is that to us?

In John 4 Jesus refers to worshipping ‘in Spirit and in truth’ – what might that mean? We all have our preferences but the Bible is rather silent on the detail of ‘how’ with a whole diversity of worship styles. We can see this in the Psalms – have a look at Psalm 150.

Here’s a contemporary worship song based on David’s dance

‘Undignified’ by Matt Redman
See overleaf the subjects we’ll be covering over May and June.

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