Soul Food 26th May 2024 Psalm 133 & John 17:20-26

Trinity & Unity

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. It is often described as reminding us that ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.

The early church came to understand that God revealed in Jesus was
‘tri-une’: a Tri-unity or Trinity of Father, Son & Holy Spirit: one God in three persons.

Why is unity so important to Christians?
This is summed up in Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-22


Jesus prays for all who will believe his message – so that includes us!


He prays for unity – that we would be one (vs.20)


He prays: May they be in us, just as you are in me and I am in you (vs.21). So he prays that we would be united together and with him as he is with God the Father! How do we feel about such a prayer?
It’s as if he wants us to be part of the Trinity!


‘…that the world will believe.’ Vs.23. Unity is attractive and disunity isn’t. With over 40,000 denominations world-wide, it looks as if Jesus’ prayer has yet to be answered! How do we feel about that? So what can we do? Theologians use the Greek word perichoresis sometimes called ‘the dance of the Trinity’. Reflect on how we might join the dance maybe using this clip:

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