Tag Archives: Evensong

Evensong for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Thursday 18th January 6pm

Holy Trinity Markbeech

This Thursday, we would like to invite you to our Evensong to raise awareness about Christian Unity. Please join us to worship and pray for one another, now more than ever when nations are at war with each other.

For more information about Christian Unity, please check this page https://cte.org.uk/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity/

Evensong for Christian Unity week

6pm on Thursday 19th January

Holy Trinity Markbeech

As part of the Christian Unity week we invite you to a special Evensong at Holy Trinity Markbeech on 19th January.

The week on Christian Unity starts on Wednesday 18th January and we would like to encourage everyone to come together, worship and pray for one another, for the local community, our nation, government and especially Ukraine.

For more events during the Christian Unity week in the Edenbridge Churches in Covenant please see this post https://threespires.wordpress.com/2023/01/11/the-week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity/

Chichester Cathedral Choir singing Choral Evensong

4pm Sunday 20th February 2022

Holy Trinity Church, Forest Row

The Chichester Cathedral Choir are going to sing at the Choral Evensong on 20th February at Holy Trinity Church in Forest Row. It is a wonderful opportunity to hear a cathedral choir perform.

Please note the event is taking place on the 20th February. Unfortunately, the date is wrong in the February Link.

There will be refreshments afterwards.