Category Archives: Markbeech

Healing service June 2024

6pm Sunday 2nd June

Holy Trinity Markbeech

We are hosting another healing service at Holy Trinity Markbeech and we invite you to join us and pray for loved ones and anyone that you know.

The prayers placed on our prayer tree in St. Peter’s are overwhelmingly for loved ones in need of healing.

Healing and wholeness services are part of the Anglican liturgy and you can read a detailed theological introduction at

So who is our Healing service for? Well, everyone! I’m sure we all know someone who is unwell and in need of our prayers. The service will not put anyone ‘on the spot’ and I will invite everyone to come forward to the altar rail for anointing with oil and prayer for themselves or someone they know in need of God’s presence and healing.

Such healing also may not be just physical or indeed mental. It includes emotional or ‘inner healing’, say, from hurts of the past as well as receiving forgiveness and the act of forgiving others which often opens the way to further healing and wholeness.

Evensong for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Thursday 18th January 6pm

Holy Trinity Markbeech

This Thursday, we would like to invite you to our Evensong to raise awareness about Christian Unity. Please join us to worship and pray for one another, now more than ever when nations are at war with each other.

For more information about Christian Unity, please check this page

Choral Evensong for All Souls

For the faithful departed

5th November 6pm

Holy Trinity Markbeech

On All souls day, the Church remembers all those we know who have died – family members and friends.

This year there will be a special choral service in our Benefice hosted by Holy Trinity Markbeech. The music, prayers and the service will be a quiet, thoughtful and gentle, giving everyone the chance to pray for those whom we love, but who have died.

Please join us if you can, at 6pm in Holy Trinity. Everyone is welcome.

If you would like to make sure a special person known to you is remembered in the service, please write email it to us at

Prayers by Nick Irens on 8th October

Creator God, in this season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, we give thanks for the fruits of the earth and for the labours of those who harvest them. We pray for our farmers and their families, and for all those employed in bringing food to our table. We pray for a more just distribution of your bounty throughout the world.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of mercy, we pray for those who are homeless, for those who watch their children go hungry and those who have an uncertain future. We pray for the innocent hostages taken prisoner by the Palestinians; may they show compassion and release them without harm. We pray for all those who work tirelessly to relieve suffering in the world.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy Father, we pray for the churches in our Benefice and we pray for Simon and Susie. We thank you for their dedication in helping us understand, that all things come from you and return to you. We pray for our Church wardens and give thanks for all the hard work they do on our behalf.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of love, we pray for those for whom this day brings sadness and little joy. We pray for the families of Elianne Andam and Jessica Baker, whose lives have been broken by the death of their children on the way to school. We pray for the lonely and helpless; for those whose hope has been shattered and their faith destroyed.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God of Comfort, we pray for those who are sick, for all who need medical treatment or are waiting in pain for surgery. We pray for Rosie Salmond in her recovery from a bad fall.

We remember in your presence all those who have died, and particularly those we have known and loved. Thank you for them and thank you for your promise of eternal life and peace of your heavenly garden.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord our God, as we leave this church today, we ask that your guiding hand be upon our lives and all those we meet in the days and weeks ahead. Inspire us with your spirit, that those who have, may readily share with those who have not.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Markbeech Service this Sunday with Children’s Choir

10am on 8th October

Holy Trinity Markbeech

This Sunday the Children’s Choir with some new members will sing at the service. We have some of the older children singing an anthem and they will also be singing something on their own to celebrate and give thanks for this amazing autumn.  Clare is doing lovely flowers too.  

We look forward to seeing you there!

Prayers by Alice at Markbeech Family service July 2023

Dear Father in Heaven, you sent your only son, Jesus, to be our Good Shepherd, to lead us and trust in you. Thank you for loving us so much. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dear Jesus, thank you for guiding us through our happiest times and, also, in our saddest times. Please look after our Mummies and Daddies, our brothers and sisters, and the pets we love. We pray for all our friends at school, especially those who will be moving on to their next school, and all our teachers who do so much for us.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank you, Jesus, for being with the children and families in Ukraine and other parts of the World, where there is war and unrest. Please use your love to bring an end to their suffering.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dear Jesus, help us to care for one another, help us to look after those who are sick and those who are hungry.   We remember those who are now with you in heaven, and those who are sad and miss them.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dear Jesus, Good Shepherd, you tend your flock and know our every need. We pray that you will always protect us and lead us through our lives to be good and faithful to you.

We ask these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen