Christmas celebrations in our parish

Together with the Church Wardens of all our parishes, I send you my best wishes for a very happy, joy-filled and peaceful Christmas and 2019.

We look forward to welcoming you to any of the services that will be taking place in the Benefice. Come along with your family and friends – there are so many services to choose from, whether you like to sing carols or whether you are looking for some peace away from the hurly-burly of the season. You can be sure of a warm welcome at any of the services described overleaf.

We will hear the well-known nativity stories, about Mary and Joseph, stars, shepherds, angels and kings …. and remember that “Mary treasured these words and pondered these things in her heart”. As we celebrate Christ’s birth there is much for us, too, to ponder and treasure. Please come along and join our celebrations.

Saturday 15 December 2018

4:30pm             Meet in Henry VIII pub for Mulled wine and Mince Pies.

5pm                  Village Carols at St Peter’s, Hever. Traditional carols as well as some other familiar seasonal songs.


Sunday 16 December 2018

9:15am             Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity, Markbeech

11am                 Parish Communion at St Peter’s, Hever

5pm                  Pub Carols in The Kentish Horse, Markbeech


Friday 21 December 2018

7:00pm             Nine Lessons and Carols – a traditional service at St Peter’s, Hever, followed by

8:00pm             Carol Supper at Hever Village Hall (please call Elly Heard on 01732 86554 to book your supper)


Sunday 23 December 2018

11am                 Benefice Communion at St Peter’s, Hever

3pm                   Carols in the church garden at St Paul’s, Four Elms, accompanied by Edenbridge town Band. Afterwards there will be warming drinks and mince pies in the Parish Room

6pm                   Carol service at Holy Trinity, Markbeech, followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the Village Hall.


Monday 24 December 2018 – Christmas Eve

4:00pm             Crib and Carol Service for families at St Peter’s, Hever

11:30pm           Midnight Communion at St Peter’s, Hever


Tuesday 25 December 2018 – Christmas Day

9:15am             Christmas Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity, Markbeech

11:00am           Family Communion service at St Paul’s, Four Elms


Sunday 30 December 2018

11:00am           Benefice Communion at St Peter’s, Hever

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