Tag Archives: ECC

Carol Singing with the Edenbridge Churches in Covenant

Saturday 9th December

Time 10.30 for about an hour

Meet outside Tom Bell’s in the square there.

Very informal! We’d love it if many of you would like to come and join in s we take the message of Christmas outside of our church bulidings/meeting places. Everyone welcome even if only for a short time.

Edenbridge Churches in Covenant 24 Hour Prayer during Lent 24th/25th March

Jesus’ words in Gethsemane to his disciples: …he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you keep watch with me for one hour?” … “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matt 26:40

Please ‘sign up’ to pray in person between 6am and 6pm on Friday 24th or privately at home between 6pm and 6am on Friday 24th/Saturday 25th by emailing Hilary Morgan at hilaryjmorgan@outlook.com

1. The Edenbridge Churches in Covenant (ECC) of which we are a part, is running a 24 hour Prayer for Lent which will take place at a special ‘Prayer Room’ in Bridges in Edenbridge from 6am till 6pm on Friday 24th March and privately from 6pm on Friday till 6am on Sunday.

2. The purpose is to PRAYPause – Reflect – Ask – Yield and for our prayers to be UP to God – IN to our worshipping communities – and OUT to our wider community, the nation and the world. And perhaps most importantly to listen to what God might be saying to us as members of the Three Spires and ECC.

3. Please ‘sign up’ to pray in person between 6am and 6pm on Friday 24th or privately at home between 6pm and 6am on Friday 24th/Saturday 25th by emailing Hilary Morgan at hilaryjmorgan@outlook.com who will provide further information. This could be for half an hour or an hour or even longer – there will be materials in Bridges to assist and guide those praying eg: icons, a prayer tree, candles (electric!) etc. including material for children. Numbers at Bridges are limited to four for any one period of time but the hope is that we might be able to cover most or even the whole 24 hours.

4. We hope that we will hear God’s voice and so there will be a book in the prayer room and an online facility to feedback what we have been ‘hearing’. This will be collated and fed back to the churches to reflect upon during the ‘Thy Kingdom come’ ten days between Ascension on 18th May and Pentecost on 28th May. The final results will be brought to the ECC meeting scheduled for 7th June.

Jesus said: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me  (John 10:27)

Evensong for Christian Unity week

6pm on Thursday 19th January

Holy Trinity Markbeech

As part of the Christian Unity week we invite you to a special Evensong at Holy Trinity Markbeech on 19th January.

The week on Christian Unity starts on Wednesday 18th January and we would like to encourage everyone to come together, worship and pray for one another, for the local community, our nation, government and especially Ukraine.

For more events during the Christian Unity week in the Edenbridge Churches in Covenant please see this post https://threespires.wordpress.com/2023/01/11/the-week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity/

The week of prayer for Christian Unity

starts Wednesday 18th January

The week of prayer for Christian Unity start on Wednesday 18th January and we would like to encourage everyone to come together, worship and pray: for one another (the churches and ministries connected with the ECC) for the local community, our nation, government etc and further afield, especially thinking of the situation in the Ukraine.

Let’s join together from our various traditions to worship and pray, as Paul says in Ephesians 6 v 18:

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Wed Jan. 18th: St Lawrence’s RC church, Edenbridge, 10.00 am service

Thurs Jan. 19th : Holy Trinity Church, Markbeech, 6.00 pm Evensong

Sat an 21st : St John’s URC church, Marsh Green, 12.30 pm Prayers followed by bread and soup

Sun Jan 22nd : Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Edenbridge, 6.30 pm Evensong

Mon Jan 23rd : Holy Trinity church. Crockham Hill, 10.00 am prayers and coffee.

Tues Jan 24th : The Eden Church, Edenbridge,

Wed Jan 25th : Grace Community Church, Rickards Hall, 72a High Street, Edenbridge: Prayer and Worship, 8 pm